
reading room...

towards the latter part of last year, my church started to read the bait of satan by john bevere. it's a book that talks about offense and how it hinders us from reaching our full potential in out walk with Christ and in life really. our congregation has read it before, but it seems that many of us are still being trapped by offense. i read chapter one recently and found myself coming full force with where i am in my walk... i realized that i am holding on to offenses from my past and it is not the most pleasurable place to be. this has been a hard fact to acknowledge. growing up, i remember my heart being so free and really caring about other people's feelings. i had the ability to understand thier situation and really feel what they were feeling. this went on well into my late teens. i would say it was a deep sense of compassion. as i hit adulthood though, something happened...more like a series of somethings happened and those unpleasant experiences stuck with me. i noticed my heart changing....and not for the good. i often asked God what happened? how did i get this way? i have pleaded with him for my old heart...the one that could really feel; the one that cared deeply. i want this heart back...i yearn for it. i don't know what it will look like if i got it back and what my experiences would be like, but i need something to change in my current heart. yes i still care about people, but something is different. so, i am hoping that as i read this book again, i will be able to let go of, at the very least, a few of these offenses and really begin to care again...
sharing this post with you is way out of my comfort zone, but i think there are others out there like me. so i hope you share your thoughts with me. how has offense changed your life? are you still offended? if you've moved past it, how did you do it?

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